Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Poshism: FashionFeud

Okay, let's start with the intro video of Poshism:

From :
Poshism is an online platform for fashion saavy individuals to come together through the fusion of a Fashion Journal and Fashion Store. Poshism's Fashion Journal acts as a community where the fashion conscious can discuss and exchange fashion inspiration and design. The Fashion Store, (currently under development) hopes to join the hands of fashion labels, designers and consumers around the world in forming a marketplace of different styles and fashion apparel choices.

Basically, Poshism is a platform for everybody to showcase their style and fashion based in Singapore.

Okay off track a bit, I was so excited ( I don't know why LOL) when TheFashionCitizen talked about Singapore's fashion in their Youtube Video. YES, SINGAPORE AND FASHION. When we talk about Fashion, the countries that we think of - New York, Milan, Paris, Japan etc. Singapore has never came across our mind. Thanks to the Internet and E-entreprenuers in Singapore's fashion industry like Poshism, this little red dot is now being noticed. I can see the bright future of Singapore's fashion industry.

Here's the video of TheFashionCitizen:

Okay, Back to Poshism. I attended the Poshism event last week at Zouk to support my friend Nabilla who was one of the finalists in the FashionFeud Competition organized by Poshism. All the finalists looked AMAZING especially Nabilla and Anza who designed their clothes THEMSELVES. So freaking talented. Okay I shall shut up now before anyone start criticizing my fucking poor english.

Me and my friend, Eileen 8)

The Finalists of FashionFeud and the founder of Poshism.

Anza x Temasek Poly

Nabilla x Temasek Poly 

Faris x Republic Poly

Rachel x Republic poly

Elizabeth x Republic Poly

Oh, I forget to mention, Anza was the winner of FashionFeud that night!!

P/S: Will try to post my OOTD as much as possible and some Fashion Trends of A/W 2012/2013. OMG I LOVE A/W !


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